It is our desire to partner with parents in helping their children develop
a love for Jesus Christ and cherish God's Word.
We are excited to bring the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel to life with
"The Gospel Project," a three year study of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, in which each and every lesson points children to the salvation Jesus offers us through His death and resurrection.
Nursery and Toddler classes are available throughout the entire service.
Please check-in infants through young 4-year-olds (prior to class) directly at their classrooms, off the lobby of the main sanctuary.
Children are welcome to stay with parents through the service if preferred.
Preschool – 5th Grade are dismissed directly to their classrooms
following our family worship where teachers will meet them.
(If you haven't checked your child in prior to the service,
please do so at the classroom. Thanks)
For more info about "The Gospel Project" Click HEre