"All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need." Acts 2:44-45
Welcome to the GracePointe Exchange Site! This website provides a private classifieds platform for congregation members to express needs or offer provision of services and material items. Like the early church in the book of Acts, we seek to generously meet the needs of all, using our skills and material possessions for the glory of God.
There are two pages on the site which are navigable by the tabs on the top: "Looking for" and "Offering". The "Looking for" site can be used to post requests to the church body for items or services of which you are in need. Likewise, the "Offering" site can be used to offer items or services. Items free of charge are preferred, but including reasonable prices is ok for larger items if desired. You can also subscribe to receive emails notifying you whenever a new post is made.
When using this site, keep in mind the greater good of the church body. Do not use the site as a means to dispose of junk, and likewise do not make requests for things you don't really need. Also make sure to delete your posts once the request or offer has been fulfilled.
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