GracePointe is now open!

We are now open for Sunday morning services!  There are two services, one at 8:30 a.m. and one at 10:00 a.m. to minimize the number of people in the building at the same time.  The 10 a.m. service is also live-streamed via Zoom.  See below for the Zoom login info.

We realize that there are many questions you may have, so I want to send some important points to help ease some of those concerns.


1. If you or a family member feels sick or is running a temperature, please don’t come to church!
2. As much as we have missed one another, please refrain from shaking hands or hugging anyone before, during and after these services. We can still give a “Holy wave!”
3. Social Distancing: please try and keep a distance of 6 feet (recommended distance) from your brothers & sisters while at services. We have arranged seating to accommodate the 6 foot distancing recommendation so that we will only fill every other row of chairs, plus separation of two chairs between families. Families can still sit together without separation. There must be two open chairs between you and the person next to you. We will have ushers assisting with seating to help facilitate this proper distance.

4. If you are attending services by yourself, please consider sitting on an aisle seat. This will allow us to have more people attend the service.
5. We will have sanitizer available at the entrance and all bathrooms along with soap.
6. We will have volunteers ready to wipe down all the seats with wipes or spray between services should we need two services.
7. Restroom entry doors will be left open to prevent touching while still maintaining privacy.
8. By order of the Pima County Board of Supervisors, masks are now required in all public areas.  Masks will also be required in the service. We have ordered masks in case someone needs one but doesn’t have it with them or can’t afford to buy a mask. See an usher if you need one.
9. We won’t be able to have Sunday school for the children at this point, but they can attend regular services with their families. There won’t be an open playground before or after church due to non-touching requirements.
10. We will return to our format of posting Sunday Sermons online on our website. They will be available on Mondays. 


Lastly, we also realize that there will be those of you who are not ready to return to services. Please know we understand and respect your decision. We look forward to that day when the entire GracePointe family will be back together.


We know we are unable to make attending church completely safe from the CV19 virus, but our goal is to make it as safe as possible while we glorify and worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  Church is an essential part of the Gospel and we look forward to once again gathering. Please feel free to contact the office or myself if you feel there’s anything we are missing.


On Behalf of the Pastors and Elders,


Pastor Randy

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