Daily devotionals may be uploaded in this section. (This section will not appear on the actual website.)
Follow these steps to upload:
1. Make sure your file is named exactly using the following convention:
where the year, month and day are the date you wish the devotion to appear on the site.
2. Make a new line above the last daily devotional below, then place your cursor there.
3. Click the "Insert file" button in the editor menu. You may need to click "More" to expand the menu to see this option.
4. Choose "Upload from your computer"
5. Drag your document(s) to the shown area.
6. Click Finish.
The daily devotionals will appear at midnight on the day specified in the file name. You may upload as many files as you wish ahead of time.
Warning: If no file is uploaded for a given day, the user will be shown a broken page.
The GracePointe daily devotional is written by Pastor Bob Allen. Click HERE to download.